Sunday, August 14, 2016


It is very important to build confidentiality among the group members for the purpose of building a solid relationship among the group. The discussing subject materials which are being discussed within the group should not be discussed at outside or with outsiders. This is how to build confidentiality among group members.


The facilitator should respect the views of all the group members and also should teach the group members or the trainees to respect each others views by not condemning others views and showing some sort of interest to hear the others views and also to think in their point of view. This will be a remedy for resolution of lots of conflicts within the group. 


People have various means of communication. This should be mainly categorized into verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbally and non-verbally what people say is the way that they interprit their own expressions. Hence it is a very integral and important task to listen what people (trainees) say in order to have a good skill enhancement session.

Principles of Facilitation




4.Agreed Goals


6.Group processes


Participative Facilitation

In participative facilitation the facilitator is used to share his personal experiences with the trainees in order to make the skill enhancement program to be more interesting. For the purpose of perceiving a particular perception in the trainees mind he gives his own personal life examples which he or she thinks might be useful to the trainees.

Delegating Facilitaion

Delegating facilitation provides the trainees to have experience in some organizational activities even in organizing the skill enhancement programs. They are assigned specific tasks and roles and authority is delegated for them to complete the specified tasks. This is how delegated facilitation takes place in action. 

Exploratory Facilitation

In this style the facilitator is used to ask questions about the previous experiences of the trainees or the group members. The facilitation process is conducted  by an interactive questionnaire method..

Directive Facilitation

This is all about doing work by developing a work plan. All the information needed is given by the facilitator. Instructions are given by the facilitator for steps to be followed..

Styles of Facilitation

  • Directive 

  • Exploratory

  • Delegating 

  • Participative


Facilitation is a way of working with people, sharing ideas, resources and opinions and also to learn critical thinking as per varying situations arise and in order to meet the desired needs of individuals and the needs of teams.

Training Facilitator

Who is a Facilitator?
A facilitator ensures the needs of the trainees are met and he is responsible for helping the individuals in achieving tasks and completing them, reminding the responsibilities which are being held by the particular trainees and deciding what tasks to be accomplished.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Steps for developing a skill enhancement program

Training and Development

What is a skill enhancement programme?

Basically when talking about skill enhancement programs first we should concentrate on what areas to be improved and to be mentored. For that we should clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of the employees which will be reflected from them when looking at their beliefs, system of values, amount of skills, knowledge and techniques. The most important element of an skill enhancement program is to recognizing correctly the underlying motivation for the need of launching the skill enhancement program and the key values and skills that we are going to include in the group members as a trainer.