Friday, June 24, 2016

Reduction of Grievances

Under observation the manager could clearly communicate and implement the proper HR policies and procedures of the organization by observing directly from keeping regular meetings with employees and by identifying the unusual employee behavioral symptoms like insubordination, tardiness, moodiness or decline in quality of work. Attitude surveys could be done to eliminate the causes of grievances mainly such as interpersonal issues by commencing conflict resolution discussions and providing immediate solutions before the issues escalates to bigger problems. Same thing could be done from questionnaire method where each every employee who's having grievances are given a questionnaire to answer. It could be done  by preparing a questionnaire in printed sheet and distributing it among employees who are having grievances. Another method to reveal the exact reasons for grievances is that we could keep exit interviews which is  a big opportunity to the manager to identify the exact underlying reasons for the employee distress where the manager could find a solution and minimize employee turnover..

Lots of grievances could be eliminated by promoting equality and diversity at the workplace which is directly linked with organizational culture. Making employees aware that the management is always available for them to eliminate their grievances at any time is also a mean of reduction of employee grievances. It could be done by close supervision, counselling, coaching, mentoring of employees and also by frequent feedback to the grievances of employees in a positive manner. By praising the employees who are doing their job well and by rewarding the employees for their exemplary performance management can motivate the employees to work better and to feel them that their salaries are matching with their skills and knowledge which will ultimately eliminate the grievances. A complaint box could be installed at several places of the company in order to receive their grievances in written. By doing so we could gain evidence from them for the causes of grievances such as unsatisfactory working conditions, violation of contract terms, ineffective supervision, environment of distrust and non-confidence etc. Incompetency of employees is a major cause for employee grievances. To eliminate this we could give a proper training to the individual.  

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