Thursday, June 23, 2016

Types of Leadership

Autocratic Leadership

This type of leadership benefits for occasions when taking quick decisions without or very less support from the other members or followers. Autocratic leaders seeks very less input from others in decision making and determination of processes and procedures. They give definite instructions, demand compliance and closely supervises the team members. Autocratic leader always need and permit very little or no subordinate input.

Democratic Leadership

Democratic leaders shows opposing characteristics of the autocratic leaders since they welcomes the subordinates to involve in decision making and for the purpose formulation of processes and procedures. this leadership style is also known as participative leadership since participation of group members for  exchanging ideas are highly encouraged.

Paternalistic Leadership

The leaders who shows the paternalistic leadership trait always cares about their subordinates as a father who cares about their children. They are heavily work oriented and cares alot about the group members who are being loyal and obedient to him.

Laissez- faire Leadership

In Laissez-faire leadership very little guidance from the group leaders are being guided and each and every member have the total freedom to have their own decisions. This is also named as delegative leadership style where the leaders provide all the tools and resources for the members to carryout the work procedures.   

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